Eric Anderson, M.S.

Manager, Applied Data Science

Eric joined MetrumRG in May of 2017. He holds an M.S. in Mathematics from the University of Connecticut. Prior to joining MetrumRG, Eric worked in the areas of Analytics and Economic Research in the insurance industry for over five years. His experience includes statistical programming, creating insight-driven data visualizations, and developing application based user interfaces.

Recent publications by this scientist

Pharmacometric-Pharmacoeconomic Modeling and Simulation in Atopic Dermatitis: Informing Early Drug Development Decisions for a Hypothetical New Therapeutic.

December 6, 2024

Presented at ACoP 2024. Early drug development decision making, such as the definition and assessment of target product profile characteristics, rarely includes pharmacoeconomic (PE) considerations. The disciplines of phamacometrics (PM) and PE are closely aligned and intersect at the goal of a quantitative understanding of the system. Connection of these two disciplines is a logical extension of typical PM objectives and should lead to a more complete and accurate understanding of the probability of success for new therapeutics.

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pmparams: an R Package for Defining and Formatting Parameter Tables in Pharmacometric Modeling

November 13, 2024

Presented at ACoP 2024. The aim was to provide a simple, reproducible, and traceable method for generating parameter tables in R for NONMEM. models. Attainedvia a new package (pmparams): a stable and easy-to-use tool intended to integrate with, and extend the functionality of, existing packages in the Metrum Research Group Ecosystem (MeRGE)

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gPKPDviz: A flexible R shiny tool for pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic simulations using mrgsolve

January 12, 2024

GPKPDviz is a Shiny application designed for real-time simulation, visualization, and assessment of PK/PD models. The app allows the generation of virtual populations, simulation of diverse dosing scenarios, and assessment of covariate and dosing regimen impacts on PK/PD endpoints. It supports loading actual population data from clinical trials and offers a streamlined workflow for efficient modeling.

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