Grace O'Brien

Grace O’Brien, M.S.

Applied Data Scientist II

Grace joined MetrumRG in April 2022 as a Data Scientist I. She holds a B.A. in Mathematics from SUNY Geneseo and M.S. in Epidemiology from Brown University. Before joining MetrumRG, she worked in academic research groups performing data management and analysis. Specifically, she has worked on genomic database development and management, genome-wide eQTL and pQTL analyses, cost-effectiveness analyses, and longitudinal studies on healthcare accessibility. Grace enjoys using data analytics to contribute to meaningful healthcare projects, and she is excited to continue to do so at MetrumRG.

Recent publications by this scientist

pmparams: an R Package for Defining and Formatting Parameter Tables in Pharmacometric Modeling

November 13, 2024

Presented at ACoP 2024. The aim was to provide a simple, reproducible, and traceable method for generating parameter tables in R for NONMEM. models. Attainedvia a new package (pmparams): a stable and easy-to-use tool intended to integrate with, and extend the functionality of, existing packages in the Metrum Research Group Ecosystem (MeRGE)

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